Kabul (Khwaja Rawash) Airport

Branko, T6BP (October 17, 2011)

Last day of activity: March 11, 2012.

Good to know:

Branko, T6BP, operates in very difficult conditions, with a very high local noise level (QRN). Please keep in mind, very often he is not able to hear something that you can. So, please be patient and don't call him if you can't hear him.
If you made QSO with T6BP on 10MHz (30m), try again on another band, please.
10MHz is not released to amateur radio in Afghanistan..

If you find some mistakes - do not worry.
We have correct data in our log.

QSL via 9A6AA
(only direct)

Emir Mahmutovic
HR-10000 Zagreb
Slovenska 15

Are you going to send your card directly?
You can do it: 1 IRC will be enough (not for airmail). But...

Last months we have got few empty envelopes. Do you believe in service of your post office? If not, you can make your payment via PayPal. In this case, we do not need your QSL. Finally, why bother with mailing direct?

So, for a minimum payment of 2.5 US$ via PayPal (thanks if you send more!), we will send QSL card directly to you (not by airmail!). Of course, we need your callsign and mailing address.
Pay for the PayPal's transfer fee, please! If you don't pay transfer fee, for your 2.5 US$, we will get 2.0 US$)

PayPal is easy, secure and you can contribute with a major credit card. And, you don't even have to have a PayPal account to do so!

Our address for PayPal is:



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Since October 31, 2011

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