Poliklinika za stomatološku protetiku i oralnu kirurgiju dr. Kraljević
Potpune proteze - udžbenik iz stomatološke protetike  

Krešimir Kraljević
Potpune proteze

The textbook POTPUNE PROTEZE (COMPLETE DENTURES) was published in 2000 on 250 pages with 248 illustrations, the majority of which are original color photos. The book has a modern approach and discusses the problems of complete dentures fabrication. This is the first textbook written and published in the Croatian language more than 50 years after Prof. Miroslav Suvin, DMD, PhD, published the textbook TOTALNE PROTEZE (COMPLETE DENTURES). The author is Prof. Suvin's student and longtime head of the Department of Prosthodontics of the School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb.

Priručnik dentalne implantologije - udžbenik iz implantologije  

Mithridade Davarpanah / Henry Martinez
Priručnik dentalne implantologije

PRIRUČNIK DENTALNE IMPLANTOLOGIJE (DENTAL IMPLANTOLOGY MANUAL) is a book of a group of French authors, which the well-known company Quintessenz published in 2003 in several world languages. Dental implants, their selection and use are described on 220 text pages and with 497 color illustrations. The past experience in fabrication of fixed and removable prosthetic replacements on implants is reported and documented with exact data from professional and scientific publications. Advantages and disadvantages in the past use of implants are described, as well as criteria for implant selection in different situations. Being published in the Croatian language and accepted as a university textbook, this manual becomes available to students of dental medicine, dentists and implantology specialists, enabling them insight into the present state of dental implantology.

    Payment for books at the price of 360.00 kn can be made to the account no. 2360000-1101569772, In.Tri d.o.o., Zagreb, Nodilova 17. It is necessary to write your name and address, and as payment reference your unique master citizen number (JMBG) or tax number (MB). Books will be sent to your address upon receipt of payment.

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