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PC FDD to Amiga FDD

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PC FDD (1.44) to Amiga FDD (880)
This solution is about using standard 1.44 MB PC floppy as 880 MB amiga one. It's simple because requieres to mofdifing the floppy data cable only.

In this solution are included info for unit0 and unit1 (PC drive are configured as unit1). There in the rear of the drive should be a switch to configure the unit.

Get the floppy cable and remove the connector that go on the floppy drive.

For UNIT0 configured drive you need:
1. swap 2 and 34
2. move 10 to 14 and 11 to 13
3. move 12 to 16 and 13 to 15
4. move 14 to 12 an 15 to 11
5. move 16 to 10

For UNIT1 configured drive you need:
1. swap 2 and 34
2. move wires 10,11,12 to 12,13,14
3. move 13 to 11 and 14 to 10
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