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Opširnije informacije...

AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERY PRODUCTS AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE CEREALS Wheat Wheat durum Wheat, whole Maize (corn) Maize, white Maize (corn), whole Maize (corn) other Rice, not husked Rice, husked Barley Rye, oats Rye Oats Oats, whole Cereals, other Millet Millet, whole Sorghum, grain Sorghum, whole Buckwheat Canary seed VEGETABLES Potatoes Potatoes, seed Vegetables, leguminous, dried and shelled Beans, dried, shelled Alubia medium Broadbeans Brown beans Dutch brown beans Cranberry beans Faba beans Kidney beans Dark red kidney beans Light red kidney beans Lyophilised beans Pinto beans Pink beans Red beans Small red beans Rosecoco beans Horse beans Malawi mixed beans Chickpeas and cowpeas, dried, shelled, whether or not skinned or split Pea beans, dry White pea beans, dried Chickpeas Lentils, dried, shelled Lentils, green Lentils, whole red Peas, dried, shelled Dun peas Split peas Split yellow peas Peas, whole Green peas, whole Mixed peas, whole Yellow peas, whole Vegetables, leguminous, other, dried and shelled Vegetables, fresh or chilled Onions, shallots, and other alliaceous vegetables, fresh or chilled Cabbages, cauliflower, and similar edible brassicas, fresh or chilled Carrots, turnips, radishes and similar roots, fresh or chilled Vegetables, leguminous, fresh or chilled Cucumber and gherkins, fresh or chilled Lettuce and chicory, fresh or chilled Tomatoes, fresh or chilled Peppers, green Peppers, red Roots and tubers, edible, with high starch or insulin content Manioc root, fresh or dried Potatoes, sweet, fresh or dried Roots and tubers, edible, n.e.c. FRUIT AND NUTS Dates, figs, bananas, coconuts, brazil nuts, cashew nuts, pineapple, etc. Dates Figs Bananas, including plantains Coconuts Brazil nuts Cashew nuts Pineapples Avocados Guavas Mangoes Mangosteens Citrus fruit, fresh or dried Oranges Clementines Mandarins, including tangerines and satsumas Wilkings Lemons Limes Grapefruit Citrus fruit, n.e.c. Grapes, fresh or dried Grapes, fresh Grapes, dried (raisins) Fruit, other, fresh Melons Papaws (papayas) Apples Pears Apricots Cherries Peaches, including nectarines Plums and sloes Berry fruit Strawberries Raspberries, blackberries, mulberries and loganberries Blackcurrants, whitecurrants or redcurrants and gooseberries Cranberries, bilberries and fruits of the genus vaccinium Fruit, fresh, n.e.c. Fruit, dried Apples and pears, dried Pears, dried Apricots, dried Prunes, dried Fruit mixtures, dried Fruit, dried, other Nuts, other, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled Almonds Hazelnuts Chestnuts Pistachio nuts Walnuts Nuts, fresh or dried OIL SEEDS AND OLEAGINOUS FRUIT Soya beans Groundnuts (peanuts), green Sunflower, sesamum, safflower, rape, colza and mustard seeds Sunflower seeds Sesame (sesamum) seeds for consumption Rape and colza seeds Safflower seeds Cotton seeds Oil seeds n.e.c. and oleaginous fruit Copra Palm nuts and kernels Linseed Castor oil seeds Oil seeds and oleaginous fruit, n.e.c. PLANTS, FLOWER, FRUIT AND VEGETABLE SEEDS Plants, bulbs, tubers and roots; cuttings, mushroom spawn Bulbs, tubers, tuberous roots, corms, crowns and rhizomes Cuttings Date palm offshoot cuttings Fruit tree cuttings Olive tree cuttings Trees, shrubs and bushes, fruit and nut bearing Conifer trees Fruit trees Nut trees Olive trees Rhododendrons and azaleas Roses Mushroom spawn Flowers, cut, bouquets, wreaths etc. Seeds, flower and fruit Seeds, vegetable Bean seeds Aubergine seeds Bean seeds, black variety Bean seeds, French dwarf Bean seeds, red Mung bean seeds Cabbage seeds Cabbage seeds, drum head Cabbage seeds, Portuguese variety Cabbage seeds, red variety Cabbage seeds, savoy Cabbage seeds, white variety Carrot seeds Celery seeds Chili seeds, African fructesseurs Courgette seeds Cow pea seeds Cucumber seeds, small size Cucumber seeds, large size Egg plant seeds, black beauty Egg plant seeds, long purple Endive seeds Garlic seeds Groundnut seeds Leeks seeds Lettuce seeds Maize seeds Melon seeds, cusmus variety Onion seeds Onion seeds, Texas, ground variety Soya bean seeds Rice seeds Sorghum seeds Spinach seeds Sugar bean seeds Tomato seeds Tomato seeds, Roma variety Turnip seeds Water melon seeds Rice seedlings Wheat seeds Barley seeds Millet seeds Legume seeds Chard seeds Aubergine seeds Plant materials Seeds, tree and grass Pasture seeds Grass seeds Tree/shrub seeds Coconut seeds Seeds, cereal(for sowing) Teff seeds Sesame seeds BEVERAGE AND SPICE CROPS Beverage crops Coffee, beans Mate (dried leaves of certain shrubs of the holly family) Cocoa beans Coffee seeds Spices Pepper Pepper, black Vanilla Cinnamon and cinnamon-tree flowers Cloves, whole fruit, cloves and stems Nutmeg Mace Cardamoms Aniseed Badian seeds Coriander seeds Cumin seeds Caraway seeds Fennel seeds Juniper seeds Ginger (spice) Saffron Turmeric Thyme, bay leaves Curry powder or paste Spices, mixtures thereof Spices, other TOBACCO, UNMANUFACTURED Tobacco, not stemmed, stripped Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed, stripped SUGAR PLANTS Sugar beet Sugar cane VEGETABLE MATERIALS, RAW, N.E.C. Cereal straw and husks Vegetable materials raw, used in textile Cotton Jute Flax Hemp Sisal and other textile fibres of the genus agave, raw Coconut fibres (coir), raw Abaca fibres, raw Vegetable textile fibres, other, raw Plants and parts thereof for use in perfumery, pharmacy or insecticides Liquorice root Ginseng roots Sugar beet and forage plant seeds Sugar beet seeds Forage plant seeds Vegetable materials, raw, other Locust beans Hop cones Cotton linters ANIMALS, LIVE, AND ANIMAL PRODUCTS ANIMALS, LIVE Animals, bovine, sheep and goats, horses, asses, mules and hinnies, live Animals, bovine Animals, bovine, pure bred for breeding Oxen, live Animals, bovine, other Sheep, live Goats, live Horses, asses, mules and hinnies, live Asses, live Horses, live Embryos for artificial insemination Swine, poultry and other animals, live Swine, live Poultry, live Chickens, broilers Chickens, layers Animals, live, laboratory Mice, laboratory Rats, laboratory Rabbits, laboratory Guinea pigs, laboratory Monkeys, laboratory Armadillos, laboratory Animals, live, n.e.c. Rabbits, live Insects, live Silkworms ANIMAL PRODUCTS, OTHER Milk, raw Eggs, birds' in shell Eggs, poultry, fertile Honey Snails, except sea snails; frogs legs Edible products of animal origin n.e.c. Textile material of animal origin, raw Wool, shorn, greasy Wool, pulled, greasy Hair, animal, fine, not carded or combed Horsehair and horsehair waste Hair, animal, coarse, other Silkworm cocoons Hides and skins, raw, of bovine or equine animals, sheep, lambs, goats or kids Hides and skins, animal Hides and skins, whole of bovine animals Hides and skins, other, of bovine animals Hides and skins of equine animals Skins, raw of sheep or lambs with wool on Skins, raw of sheep or lambs without wool on Hides and skins, raw of goats or kids Furskins Furskins, raw, of mink, whole Furskins, raw, of beaver, whole Furskins, raw, of musk-rat, whole Furskins, raw, of fox, whole Furskins, raw, of seal, whole Furskins, other, whole Heads, tails, paws, and other pieces or cuttings, suitable for furriers' use Furskins, raw, of rabbit or hare, whole Furskins, raw of lamb, whole Skins, raw, of other animals n.e.c. Insect waxes and spermaceti Semen, animal Semen, bovine Semen, caprine Semen, ovine FORESTRY AND LOGGING PRODUCTS WOOD IN THE ROUGH Logs of coniferous wood Logs of non-coniferous wood Logs of Dark Red Meranti, Light Red Meranti and Meranti Bakau Logs of White Lauan, White Meranti, White Seraya, Yellow Maranti and Alan Logs of Keruing, Ramin, Kapur, Teak, Jongkong, Merbau, Jelutong and Kempas Logs of Okoumé, Obeche, Sapelli, Sipo, Acajou d'Afrique, Mokoré and Iroko Logs of Tiama, Mansonia, Ilamba, Diétoa, Limba and Azobé Logs of Oak Logs of beech Logs, other of non-coniferous wood Wood, other, in the rough (including fuel wood, split poles and pickets) Wood, fuel Hoopwood; split poles; piles, pickets and stakes of wood GUMS, NATURAL Rubber, natural Rubber latex, natural Rubber, natural, in smoked sheets Rubber, technically specified natural (TSNR) Rubber, natural, in other forms Balata, gutta-percha, guayule, chicle and similar natural gums Lac; other natural gums, resins and other vegetable saps and extracts Lac Gum Arabic Amberlite resin Gums, natural, resins, gum-resins and balsams, other Opium Liquorice, vegetable saps and extracts thereof Hops, vegetable saps and extracts thereof Pyrethrum vegetable saps and extracts thereof Plant roots containing rotenone, vegetable saps and extracts thereof Vegetable saps and extracts, other Pectic substances, pectinates and pectates Agar-agar Mucilage and thickeners from locust beans or guar seeds Mucilage and thickeners, other, from vegetable products FORESTRY PRODUCTS, OTHER Cork, natural Plants, parts thereof, for ornamental purposes Vegetable materials for plaiting, stuffing or dyeing Bamboo Rattans Raffia Vegetable materials of a kind used primarily for plaiting, other Kapok Vegetable hair Vegetable materials of a kind used primarily for stuffing or as padding, other Broomcorn Vegetable materials of a kind used primarily in brooms or in brushes Vegetable materials, raw, of a kind used primarily in dyeing or tanning Vegetable products, other FISH AND OTHER FISHING PRODUCTS FISH, FRESH OR CHILLED Fish, fresh or chilled, excluding fish fillets Trout, fresh or chilled, not filleted Salmon, pacific, Atlantic and Danube, fresh or chilled, not filleted Halibut, fresh or chilled, not filleted Plaice, fresh or chilled,not filleted Sole, fresh or chilled, not filleted Tunas, fresh or chilled, not filleted Herrings, fresh or chilled, not filleted Cod, fresh or chilled, not filleted Sardines, fresh or chilled, not filleted Haddock, fresh or chilled, not filleted Coalfish, fresh or chilled, not filleted Mackerel, fresh or chilled, not filleted Dogfish and other sharks, fresh or chilled, not filleted Eels, fresh or chilled, not filleted Fish, other, fresh or chilled, not filleted CRUSTACEANS, OYSTERS AND OTHER AQUATIC INVERTEBRATES, FRESH OR CHILLED Crustaceans Shrimp eggs, live Oysters Aquatic invertebrates, other, fresh or chilled FISH, LIVE Fish eggs for pisciculture AQUATIC PRODUCTS, OTHER Coral and shells of molluscs, crustaceans etc. Sponges, natural Seaweed and other algae Description ORES AND MINERALS; ELECTRICITY, GAS AND WATER COAL AND LIGNITE; PEAT COAL Coal, not agglomerated Anthracite Coal, bituminous Coal, other, not agglomerated Coal dust Briquettes, ovoid and similar solid fuels manufactured from coal LIGNITE Lignite, not agglomerated Lignite, agglomerated PEAT PETROLEUM, CRUDE, AND NATURAL GAS PETROLEUM OILS AND OILS OBTAINED FROM BITUMINOUS MINERALS, CRUDE GAS, NATURAL SHALE AND TAR SANDS, BITUMINOUS AND OIL URANIUM AND THORIUM, ORES AND CONCENTRATES METAL ORES IRON ORES AND CONCENTRATES ORES AND CONCENTRATES, NON-FERROUS METALS Copper ores and concentrates Aluminium ores and concentrates (bauxite) Nickel ores and concentrates Metal, precious, ores and concentrates thereof Silver ores and concentrates Metal, precious, ores and concentrates thereof, other Ores and concentrates, non-ferrous metal, other Lead ores and concentrates Zinc ores and concentrates Tin ores and concentrates Manganese ores and concentrates Chromium ores and concentrates Tungsten (or wolfram) ores and concentrates Molybendum ores and concentrates Cobalt ores and concentrates Niobium, tantalum, vanadium or zirconium ores and concentrates Titanium ores and concentrates Ores and concentrates, base metal, other n.e.c. STONE, SAND AND CLAY STONE, MONUMENTAL OR BUILDING Slate Marble and other calcareous monumental and building stone Marble and travertine Ecaussine and other calcareous monumental or building stone; alabaster Granite, sandstone and other monumental or building stone Granite Sandstone Stone, monumental or building, other GYPSUM; ANYDRITE; LIMESTONE FLUX; LIMESTONE AND OTHER CALCAREOUS STONE Limestone flux and calcareous stone Lime Lime, hydrated Gypsum and anhydrite Gypsum SANDS, PEBBLES, GRAVEL, BROKEN OR CRUSHED STONE, NATURAL BITUMEN, ASPHALT Sands Sands, fine, for plastering and mortar Moulding sand Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone Gravel Macadam of slag, dross or similar industrial waste Macadam, tarred Granules, chipping and powder of calcareous monumental or building stone Stone, aggregate, for reinforced concrete Gravel, aggregate, river Bitumen and asphalt, natural; asphaltites and asphaltic rock CLAYS Kaolin and other kaolinic clays Clays, other Bentonite Earth, decolourising, and fuller's earth Fireclay Andalusite, kyanite and sillimanite Mullite Chamotte or dinas earth Clays n.e.c. Ball clay, natural Ball clay, black MINERALS, OTHER MINERALS, CHEMICAL AND FERTILISER Calcium phosphates, natural; potassium salts, natural Calcium phosphates, natural, not ground Calcium phosphates, natural, ground Carnallite, sylvite and other crude natural potassium salts Iron pyrites, not roasted; crude or unrefined sulphur Iron pyrites, not roasted Sulphur, crude or unrefined Chemical minerals n.e.c. Barium sulphate, natural Barium carbonate, natural Cryolite, natural; natural chiolite Borate and concentrates, natural Fluorspar Kieserite, epsonite (natural magnesium sulphates) Earth colours Micaceous iron oxides, natural, other SALT AND PURE SODIUM CHLORIDE; SEA WATER Salt for road cleaning Salt, table SALT, WATER SOFTENING STONES, PRECIOUS AND SEMI-PRECIOUS; MINERALS, OTHER Stones, precious and semi-precious, unworked Diamonds, industrial; pumice stone; emery and other natural abrasives Diamonds, industrial, unworked or simply sawn, cleaved or bruted Pumice stone Emery Corundum, natural Garnet, natural Abrasives, natural, other n.e.c. Minerals, other n.e.c. Graphite, natural Quartz and quartzite Chalk Fossil meals, siliceous, and similar siliceous earth, whether or not calcined Dolomite Magnesite, magnesia and magnesium oxides Asbestos Mica and mica waste Steatite, natural, and talc Feldspar; leucite; nepheline and nepheline syenite Mineral substances n.e.c. Slag and ash, including seaweed ash (kelp) ELECTRICITY, TOWN GAS, STEAM AND HOT WATER ELECTRICAL ENERGY GAS - COAL GAS, WATER GAS, PRODUCER GAS AND SIMILAR GASES STEAM AND HOT WATER WATER Description FOOD AND TEXTILE PRODUCTS Care-parcels MEAT, FISH, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, OILS AND FATS MEAT AND MEAT PRODUCTS Meat and edible offal Meat of bovine animals, fresh or chilled Meat of bovine animals, frozen Beef, frozen Meat of swine, fresh, chilled or frozen Meat of sheep, fresh, chilled or frozen Meat of goats, fresh, chilled or frozen Meat of horses, asses, mules and hinnies, fresh, chilled or frozen Meat of poultry, fresh, chilled or frozen Chicken, fresh Offal, edible, bovine animals, fresh, chilled or frozen Offal, edible, goat, lamb and sheep, fresh, chilled or frozen Offal, edible, horses, asses, mules and hinnies, fresh, chilled or frozen Offal, swine, edible, fresh, chilled or frozen Offal, edible of poultry, fresh, chilled or frozen Meat and edible offal, fresh, chilled or frozen n.e.c. Meat, meat offal or blood, preserves and preparations thereof Meat and edible meat offal, salted, in brine, dried or smoked Meat or meat offal, flours and meals, thereof, edible Meat, canned Sausages and the like, of meat, meat offal or animal blood Salami sausage of poultry or beef Liver, prepared or preserved Meat or meat offal, of turkey prepared or preserved Meat or meat offal, of swine, prepared or preserved Pork, canned Pork, lyophilised Meat or meat offal, of bovine animals, prepared or preserved Beef, corned Beef, canned Beef, lyophilised Meat or meat offal, of chicken, prepared or preserved Chicken, canned Chicken curry Meat or meat offal, prepared or preserved, other Mutton, canned Mutton, lyophilised Flours, meals and pellets of meat or meat offal, inedible; greaves FISH, PREPARED AND PRESERVED Fish fillets; fish meat and fish livers and roes, fresh or chilled Fish livers, edible, fresh or chilled Fish roes, edible, fresh or chilled Fish fillets and other fish meat, fresh or chilled Fish, fish fillets, other fish meat and fish livers and roes, frozen Fish livers, edible, frozen Fish roes, edible, frozen Fish fillets, frozen Salmon, pacific, frozen Trout, frozen Salmon, Atlantic and Danube, frozen Halibut, frozen Plaice, frozen Sole, frozen Tunas, frozen Herrings, frozen Cod, frozen Sardines, frozen Haddock, frozen Coalfish, frozen Mackerel, frozen Dogfish and other sharks, frozen Eels, frozen Sea Bass, frozen Hake, frozen Fish, other, frozen Fish, dried, smoked, salted or in brine; edible fish meal Fish protein concentrates, edible Fish protein concentrate - A Fish protein concentrate - B Fish flour, edible Fish meal, edible Fish and fish fillets, edible, dried, smoked, salted or in brine Fish, dried Fish, dried, salted Stockfish, dried Fish livers, edible, dried, smoked, salted or in brine Fish roes, edible, dried, smoked, salted or in brine Fish, prepared or preserved, n.e.c. (including caviar and caviar substitutes) Fish, canned Mackerel, canned Crustaceans and molluscs, frozen, dried, salted or in brine Lobster, rock, and other sea crawfish, frozen Lobsters, frozen Shrimps and prawns, frozen Crabs, frozen Crustaceans, other, frozen Scallops, frozen, dried, salted or in brine Mussels, frozen, dried, salted or in brine Cuttle fish, frozen, dried, salted on in brine Octopus, frozen, dried, salted or in brine Crustaceans and molluscs, otherwise prepared or preserved Fish products, inedible Fish flour, meal and pellets, inedible Molluscan flour, meal and pellets, inedible VEGETABLES, PREPARED AND PRESERVED Vegetables, frozen Potatoes, frozen Vegetables, leguminous, frozen Spinach, frozen Sweet corn, frozen Vegetables, other, frozen Vegetable mixtures, frozen Vegetables, provisionally preserved Vegetables, preserved, other Vegetables, dried, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder Flour, meal and flakes of potatoes Vegetables, fruit and nuts preserved in vinegar or acetic acid Tomatoes prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid Tomato concentrate Mushrooms and truffles, preserved other than by vinegar or acetic acid Vegetables, other, preserved other than by vinegar or acetic acid Beans, canned JUICES, FRUIT AND VEGETABLE Juice, orange Syrup, orange, instant Juice, grapefruit Juice, of any other single citrus fruit Juice, pineapple Juice, tomato Juice, apple Juice, grape, and grape must Juice of any other single fruit or vegetable Juices, mixtures thereof FRUIT AND NUTS, PREPARED OR PRESERVED Fruit and nuts, frozen Strawberries, frozen Raspberries, blackberries, mulberries, loganberries, frozen Black, white or red currants Gooseberries Fruit and nuts, frozen n.e.c. Jams, fruit jellies and fruit or nut puree and pastes Jams, fruit Jellies, fruit Marmalades, fruit Puree and pastes, of fruit or nut Nuts, ground-nuts, etc., roasted, salted or otherwise prepared, n.e.c. Groundnuts, salted or otherwise prepared Nuts, other, roasted, salted or otherwise prepared Fruit and nuts provisionally preserved Cherries, provisionally preserved Strawberries, provisionally preserved Fruit and nuts, other, provisionally preserved Fruits, preserved, other Peel, citrus fruit Fruit cordials Fruit juice concentrates Fruit, canned Apricot, peach or plum stones and kernels OILS AND FATS, ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE Fats of bovine animals, sheep, goats, pigs and poultry; wool grease Fats of pigs and poultry Fats of bovine animals, sheep or goats Wool grease and fatty substances derived therefrom (including lanolin) Lanolin Oils and fats of fish and marine mammals Oil, fish liver Oils and fats of fish (other than fish liver oil) Oils and fats of marine mammals Lard stearin, oleostearin and tallow stearin Lard oil, oleo oil and tallow oil Oil of Soya-bean, groundnut, olive, sunflower-seed, safflower etc., crude Oil, Soya bean, crude Oil, cotton seed, crude Oil, groundnut (peanut), crude Oil, olive, crude Oil, sunflower-seed and safflower, crude Oil, virgin, crude Oil, rape, colza and mustard, crude Oil of palm, coconut, palm kernel, babassu and linseed, crude Oil, linseed, crude Oil, palm, crude Oil, coconut (copra), crude Oil, palm kernel, crude Oil, babassu, crude Oil of Soya-bean, ground-nut, olive, sunflower-seed, safflower, cotton-seed etc. Oil, Soya bean Oil, cotton seed Oil, groundnut (peanut) Oil, olive Oil, sunflower seed and safflower Oil, sunflower Oil, rape, colza and mustard Oil, rapeseed Oil, sesame (sesamum) Oil of maize (corn) Oil of palm, coconut, palm kernel, babassu and linseed Oil, linseed Oil, palm Oil, coconut (copra) Oil, palm kernel Oil, castor Oil, babassu Oil, tung Oil, jojoba Oils and fixed vegetable fats, other Margarine and similar preparations Margarine Fats and oils, vegetable Vegetable oil OIL-CAKE, VEGETABLE WAXES AND SIMILAR RESIDUES Oil-cake and other solid residues Oil-cake and other solid residues, from Soya bean oil Oil-cake and other solid residues from ground-nut oil Flours and meals of oil seeds or oleaginous fruits Flours and meals of Soya beans Flours of Soya Flours of Soya, defatted Waxes, animal or vegetable DAIRY PRODUCTS MILK AND CREAM, PROCESSED, IN LIQUID FORM Milk, processed, in liquid form Milk, lactose free Milk, Soya Wheat Soya milk (WSM) Corn Soya milk (CSM) Cream DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER Milk and cream in solid forms Milk and cream, in powder, granules or other solid forms Milk powder Milk granules Milk in other solid forms Cream in powder, granules or other solid forms Milk, dried, skimmed Milk, enriched, dried, skimmed Milk, enriched, dried, whole Infant formula Infant formula, lactose free Infant formula for allergic babies Infant formula for premature babies Milk, dried, whole Milk, high energy Milk, therapeutic Milk, tablets Milk and cream, concentrated or sweetened Milk, evaporated Milk, condensed Yoghurt and other fermented or acidified milk and cream Yoghurt Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, kephir Butter and other fats and oils derived from milk Butter Butter oil (dairy oil) Ghee Cheese and curd Cheese, fresh, (including whey cheese), not fermented, and curd Cheese, grated or powdered Cheese, processed Cheese, canned Cheese, feta Cheese, blue-veined Cheese, other Casein Ice-cream Lactose and lactose syrup Lactose B.P. Dairy products n.e.c. GRAIN MILL PRODUCTS, STARCHES AND STARCH PRODUCTS; OTHER FOOD PRODUCTS GRAIN MILL PRODUCTS Flour, wheat or meslin Flour, wheat Flour, wheat, durum Flour, wheat, Soya fortified Flours, of cereals other than wheat or meslin Flour, rice Flour, rye Flour, barley Flour, maize (corn) Flour, oat Flour, of other cereals Groats, meal and pellets of wheat Groats and meal of wheat Meal of wheat, whole Pellets of wheat Groats, meal and pellets, of cereals, n.e.c. Groats, meal or pellets of maize (corn) Groats of maize (corn) Meal of maize (corn) Cornmeal, Soya, fortified Groats, meal or pellets of oats Groats, meal or pellets of rice Groats, sorghum Sorghum groats, Soya fortified Oatmeal Groats, meal and pellets of other cereals Cereal grain products, other Barley, rolled, flaked, polished, pearled or kibbled Barley, pearled Maize (corn), rolled, flaked, polished, pearled or kibbled Oats, rolled, flaked, polished, pearled or kibbled Oats, rolled Oats, rolled, Soya fortified Rye, rolled Wheat, rolled Cereals, other, rolled, flaked, polished, pearled or kibbled Grain mill products n.e.c. Rice, semi- or wholly milled Rice, broken Flour, gluten-free Flour, phenylalanine-free, low-protein Bulgur Wheat Flours and meals, vegetable, other Flour, fruit and nut Flour and meal of sago, roots or tubers Flour, manioc Flour and meal of leguminous vegetables Mixes and dough for the preparation of bakers' wares STARCHES AND STARCH PRODUCTS; SUGARS AND SUGAR SYRUPS N.E.C. Glucose and glucose syrup, fructose and fructose syrup etc. Glucose, bulk Starches, inulin and wheat gluten Starch, wheat Starch, maize (corn) Starch, potato Starch, manioc (cassava) Starches, other Inulin Gluten, wheat Dextrins and other modified starches Tapioca and substitutes therefor ANIMAL FEEDING, PREPARATIONS THEREFOR Feed, laboratory animal Feed, livestock and poultry Animal housing supplies Feed, animal, other Fish food Fish food ""tetramin"" Dog food BAKERY PRODUCTS Crispbread; rusks, and similar toasted products Gingerbread, biscuits, waffles and wafers Biscuits Biscuits, high energy Biscuits, milk Biscuits, wheat Bread, other, and bakers' wares, other SUGAR Sugar, raw cane or beet Sugar, refined Sugar, fine fraction Sugar, refined, with added flavouring or colouring; maple sugar or syrup Sugar, refined, with added flavouring or colouring Sugar and syrup, maple Sugar, white crystal Molasses Molasses, cane Molasses, other Sugars and sugar syrups, other Honey, artificial Sweetener, a non (or low) calorie sugar substitute Caramel Dextrose Fructose Glucose Sugar and syrup, maize Maltose Lactose Sugar syrup, flavoured or coloured, not containing cocoa COCOA, CHOCOLATE AND SUGAR CONFECTIONERY Cocoa paste Cocoa butter, fat and oil Cocoa powder, unsweetened Cocoa powder, sweetened Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa Confectionery, sugar, (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa PASTA Pasta, uncooked, not stuffed or otherwise prepared Pasta and noodles, wheat Pasta, cooked, stuffed or otherwise prepared; couscous Pasta, cooked, stuffed or otherwise prepared Couscous FOOD PRODUCTS N.E.C. Coffee and tea Coffee Coffee, not roasted, decaffeinated Coffee, roasted, not decaffeinated Coffee, roasted, decaffeinated Coffee, soluble Coffee substitutes containing coffee Coffee, extracts, essences and concentrates Chicory, roasted, and other roasted coffee substitutes Tea, black Tea, green Tea or maté extracts, essences and concentrates Food products, other Meat, meat offal or blood, homogenised preparations, thereof Vegetables, homogenised Fruit or nuts, homogenised Food preparations, homogenised, composite Soups and broth and preparations therefor Soup, green bean, lyophilised Soup, pea, lyophilised Soup, vegetable, lyophilised SOUP OF VEGETABLES WITH MEET OR CHICKEN BROTH - NUTRIALL Eggs Eggs, dried Eggs, whole, dried, powder Egg white powder Baby food Apple sauce, infant use Milk cereal weaning food Strawberries, infant use Mustard flour Mustard, prepared Soya sauce Tomato ketchup and other tomato sauces Condiments and seasonings, mixed n.e.c. Yeast Yeast, active Yeast, inactive Baking powders, prepared Yeast, dried Relief food products and ration meals (ready to eat) K-Mix Biscuits, protein/high protein Emergency food packs Nutritional kits, Oxfam Food baskets Wheat Soya blend (WSB) Corn Soya blend (CSB) SUPER UNIMIX (baby food developed by UNICEF) Additives, food Food preparations, n.e.c. Solid Fuel Hexamine BEVERAGES LIQUOR Ethyl alcohol, undenatured of an alcoholic strength of 80% vol. or higher Ethyl alcohol and other spirits, denatured of any strength Surgical spirit Ethyl alcohol, undenatured, of an alcoholic strength by volume of less than 80% Alcoholic preparations, compound, for beverage manufacture Spirits obtained by distilling grape wine or grape marc Whiskeys Rum and tafia Gin and Geneva WINES Wine of fresh grapes; grape must Wine, sparkling Wine Vermouths and other wines of fresh grapes flavoured with aromatic extracts Cider, Perry and mead MALT LIQUORS AND MALT Beer made from malt Malt Malt, not roasted Malt, roasted DRINKS, SOFT; BOTTLED MINERAL WATERS Waters, not sweetened Water, mineral, and aerated waters Mineral water in cartons Mineral water in bottles Waters, other Waters, sweetened Lemonade and flavoured aerated waters n.e.c. TOBACCO PRODUCTS CIGARS, CHEROOTS, CIGARILLOS AND CIGARETTES OF TOBACCO OR TOBACCO SUBSTITUTES Cigars and cheroots; cigarillos Cigarettes TOBACCO, MANUFACTURED, OTHER TEXTILES TEXTILE FIBRES, NATURAL, PREPARED FOR SPINNING Silk, raw (not thrown) Silk waste, carded or combed Wool degreased or carbonised, not carded or combed Wool or fine animal hair, noils thereof Wool and fine or coarse animal hair, carded or combed Cotton, carded or combed Jute and other textile bast fibres, processed but not spun, inc. tow and waste Textile fibres, vegetable, other, processed but not spun, inc. tow and waste TEXTILE STAPLE FIBRES, MAN-MADE, PROCESSED FOR SPINNING Fibres, synthetic staple, carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning Fibres, artificial staple, carded, combed or otherwise prepared for spinning Geotextiles YARN AND THREAD YARN OF NATURAL FIBRES Yarn of silk Yarn of wool Yarn, 80% wool, 20% nylon Wool yarn for weaving Yarn of fine or coarse animal hair or horsehair Thread, sewing, of cotton Thread, embroidery, brilliant pearl cotton Yarn of cotton (other than sewing thread) Cotton warp yarn for weaving Yarn of vegetable textile fibres and paper, other than cotton Yarn of flax Yarn of jute or other textile bast fibres Cord, jute, fibre, twisted Yarn of other vegetable textile fibres; paper yarn Silk yarn for hand woven carpets YARN AND THREAD, TEXTILE, OF MAN-MADE FILAMENTS OR STAPLE FIBRES Thread, sewing, of man-made filaments or staple fibres Thread, sewing, in spools and reels Thread, heavy duty Yarn of man-made filaments, multiple or cabled Yarn (other than sewing thread) of synthetic staple fibres Yarn, 50% acrylic, 40% nylon, 10% wool Yarn (other than sewing thread) of artificial staple fibres FABRICS WOVEN (EXCEPT SPECIAL FABRICS) OF NATURAL FIBRES OTHER THAN COTTON Fabrics, woven of silk or silk waste Fabrics woven of wool or fine animal hair Fabrics, woollen, for ladies' and children's clothing Cloth doeskin Cloth gabardine, 100% wool Fabrics, woven, of coarse animal hair or horsehair Fabrics, woven, of flax Fabrics, woven, of jute or of other textile bast fibres Fabrics, woven of other vegetable textile fibres woven fabrics or paper yarn FABRICS, WOVEN OF COTTON Fabrics, cotton for clothing Fabrics, woven of cotton for nursing uniforms Fabrics, woven, white, for uniforms Flannelette Fabrics, buckram, fleece Fabrics, cotton drill, mercerised, sanforised woven fabric for clothing Fabrics, cotton jeans cloth Indigo denim fabric, cotton Cloth, satin drill, cotton Printed cotton fabric Fabrics, printed, for general clothing Fabrics, cotton-flannel for gowns and pyjamas Fabrics, pique, cotton for clothing Fabrics, twisted poplin, cotton, for clothing White cotton fabric Broad cloth (shirting), cotton Cloth for trousers, cotton Cloth, 50% cotton Sail cloth Cloth, 100% cotton Cloth, cambric, 100% cotton Cloth, chambray, cotton Cloth, calico, cotton Cloth, calico, unbleached cotton Cloth, calico, bleached cotton Fabrics, woven of cotton, other Netting, mosquito, cotton Webbing Upholsterers' cover cloth FABRICS, WOVEN, OF MAN-MADE FILAMENTS AND STAPLE FIBRES Fabrics, woven other, of man-made staple fibres Fabrics, polyester Fabrics, Panama material, 100% polyester cream colour Fabrics, caneva, stramine, white stiff basket weave for cross-stitch work Fabrics, tergal material, 100% polyester Fabric, printed polyester Fabric, serge, polyester Fabrics, woven, of man-made staple fibres, other Lining, for costumes and jackets FABRICS, SPECIAL Fabrics, pile and chenille, woven, of cotton Fabrics, pile and chenille, woven other Fabrics, woven, natural/man-made fibres Fabrics, polyester/cotton Cloth, 65% polyester/35% cotton Cloth, 67% polyester/33% cotton Cloth, polyester/cotton, patterned Cloth, chambray, polyester/cotton Fabrics, polyester/wool Cloth, 55% polyester/45% wool Cloth, serge, polyester/wool Towelling, terry, and similar woven terry fabrics of cotton Towelling, terry, and similar woven terry fabrics other Gauze of cotton Gauze, other Fabrics, textile, tufted, other than carpets Fabrics, woven of glass fibre TEXTILE ARTICLES OTHER THAN APPAREL TEXTILE ARTICLES MADE UP Blankets and travelling rugs Blankets, children's Blankets, both sides napped, for babies Blankets, emergency grade Blankets, cotton, emergency grade Blankets, wool, emergency grade Blankets, low thermal resistance Blankets, medium thermal resistance Blankets, high thermal resistance Blankets, wool, hospital grade Blankets, napped or teaselled Blankets, household Blankets, wool Blankets, synthetic Blankets, cotton Blankets, fire proof Blankets, mine protection for vehicles Blankets, army Linen, household Linen, bed Sheeting, of cotton Calico, unbleached cotton fabric, for bed sheets Fabrics, cotton, for bed sheets, curtains, pillowcases Sheets, bed Linen, table Linen, toilet and kitchen Towels, cotton, white Turkish Linen, tracing cloth, 30 inches by 20 yards Curtains and blinds Curtains Blinds, window Furnishing articles, other, n.e.c. Tapestries, hand-woven and needle-worked tapestries Bedspreads Bedspreads, woven, cotton fabric Furnishing articles, other Rugmaking, tapestry and embroidery kits Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods Mail-bags, including seals Sandbags Pouch bags Seals for diplomatic bags Camping equipment Camping equipment, for people with disabilities Tarpaulins Tarpaulins, canvas Tarpaulins, reinforced plastic Tarpaulins for trailers Groundsheets Covers Tarpaulins, woven plastic Tarpaulins, reinforced, non-woven plastic Tarpaulins, reinforced, non-woven, braided plastic Tents Shelters, camping Tent cloth Tents, single fly Tents, double fly Tents, heavy duty Tents, inner Emergency shelters Family size temporary shelter Tents, accessories therefor Tents, utility Tents, ridge type for tropical use Tents, ridge type for cold climate Plastic Shelters Tents, military Mattresses, pneumatic Furniture, camping Seats, folding, for camping Cots, for camping Tables, folding, for camping Beds, camp Frames for mosquito nets Hammocks Awnings and sunblinds Camps, complete Camping goods, other Canvas products Interior rooms for tents Ventilation kits for tents Camping mats Tent repair kits Tents, housing Tents, storage Tents, warehouse Parachutes Quilts, eiderdowns, cushions, poufs, pillows, sleeping bags and the like Quilts, eiderdowns Cushions, poufs and pillows Pillows Cushions, foam Sleeping bags Mattress covers Mattress covers, 100% cotton or cotton/viscose Textile articles made-up, other Floor-cloths, dish-cloths, dusters and similar cleaning cloths Cloth, duster Cloth, cotton floss Cloth, floor Cloth, synthetic leather for cleaning glass Pads, for cleaning pots, kitchen and bath Rags, for cleaning, cotton Sponges for general cleaning Cotton wool, unbleached, for polishing Life-jackets and life-belts Life-jackets Flags, pennants and banners of woven textile materials UN flags Upholstery fabric Diapers, washable Made-up textile articles, other Filters, cloth CARPETS AND OTHER TEXTILE FLOOR COVERINGS Carpets and other textile floor coverings, knotted Carpets, carpeting and rugs, knotted of wool or fine animal hair Carpets, carpeting and rugs, knotted of other textile materials Carpets and other textile floor coverings, woven Rugs, hand-woven Floor coverings of coconut fibres Carpets and textile floor coverings of pile construction Carpets and textile floor coverings, not of pile construction Carpets and other textile floor coverings, tufted Carpets and other textile floor coverings, tufted, of wool or fine animal hair Carpets and other textile floor coverings, tufted, of nylon or other polyamides Carpets and other textile floor coverings, tufted, of other textile materials Carpets and textile floor coverings, other (including those of felt) TWINE, CORDAGE, ROPES AND ARTICLES THEREOF (INCLUDING NETTING) Twine, cordage, rope and cables Sisal rope Ropes, nylon Rope for lifting equipment Twine, string, rope and cord for packing Twine, cordage, rope and cables, other Rope, tug-of-war Twine tape String Nets and netting Nets, dredge Mosquito nets and nettings Nets, thermo-reflective Nets, thermo-reflective, from metallized knitted plastic TEXTILES N.E.C. Tulles, lace, narrow woven fabrics, trimmings and embroidery Bias binding, cotton Tape trimming, white cotton batiste Ribbon, self-adhesive Tulles and other net fabrics Lace, mechanically made Lace, hand-made Embroidery in the piece, in strips or in motifs Badges, emblems and labels Tape, adhesive, cloth Velcro Textile based tape in rolls Braid, upholsterers' Braid, uniform, polyester/wool Epaulette straps, doeskin Felt and non-woven Textile articles, other Sanitary towels and tampons, napkins etc. of wadding Wadding Mull, for repair of maps Textiles, restoration FABRICS KNITTED OR CROCHETED; WEARING APPAREL FABRICS, KNITTED OR CROCHETED Fabrics, pile and terry, knitted or crocheted Fabrics, knitted or crocheted, other Mosquito nets and netting Bed nets, impregnated CLOTHING Stockings, panty hose, tights, socks and other hosiery, knitted or crocheted Socks, sports, ankle length, 65% polyester, 35% cotton Stockings, football, wool/cotton mixture Socks, for children Socks, 50% polyamide, 50% cotton, for children Socks n.e.c. Socks, thermal Socks, nylon, stretch crepe Stockings Stockings, men's Stockings, women's Clothing of textile materials Overcoats, car-coats, capes, cloaks, etc., men's and boys' Suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers etc., men's or boys' Overalls, boiler suits, made of dark blue cotton Trousers, jeans, denim, for boys Jeans, corduroy, for boys Anoraks