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Tanto che oggi a anni lo stilista e piu in forma e sereno che mai MODA, NEWS, DESIGN, FASHION, PROJEKTANCI, HAUTE COUTURE,POLISH, KRAWIECTWO, STYL, COLLECTIONES, ELEGANCE, MODELS, FABRICS, FOOTWEAR, CLOTHES, BOOTS, LEATHER, STYL, COLLECTIONES, KNITTING, COSMETIC, MODE, BUTY, BIELIZNA, KOSMETYKI, KONFEKCJA, CONFECTION, RAJSTOPY MODA NEWS DESIGN, FASHION, PROJEKTANCI, HAUTE COUTURE,POLISH, KRAWIECTWO, STYL, COLLECTIONES, ELEGANCE, MODELS, FABRICS, FOOTWEAR, CLOTHES, BOOTS, LEATHER, STYL, COLLECTIONES, KNITTING, COSMETIC, MODE, BUTY, BIELIZNA, KOSMETYKI, KONFEKCJA, CONFECTION, RAJSTOPY Edgardo Zilioli Nylstar / Włókno Elité, produkt-lokomotywa Elżbieta Lityńska Triumph / Bielizna na każdy nastrój Bogusław Zalewski MTP / Face-to-face Jola Buca Key / Zaprojektować optymizm Anna Sieradzka Tysiąc lat ubiorów w Polsce Adam Lange Dyrektor Generalny YKK Poland Marcin Moskal Magam / Moda w Polsce żyje! Małgorzata Koniarska Coats / Kolorowo i natychmiastowo Małgorzata Gałuszka MTŁ / Promocja młodych Gerald Böse CPD / rozmowa Małgorzata Szwed-Kasperek: wypowiedzi Collection Premiere w Moskwie Przyszłoroczna kolekcja Fendi Kryształowe Inspiracje Łódź Tego nie wolno przegapić: Ciało najlepszym partnerem sukienki Technika szycia pod ręką www.strima.com Poznański Tydzień Mody jesień Foto pokazy: Pabia Moulin Rouge C&A Bliżej Edenu Triumph cpd woman Luisa Cerano Michał Starost Ambiente Doris Hartwich TV pokazy: jesień-zima / Airfield Bielizna Sport, egzotyka i nostalgia Gorseteria Sieć salonów z bielizną Kobieta w krainie przyjemności Mania Lingerie trendy / Beauty & Fashion Estée Lauder Idealist Micro-D Shiseido Podwójne cienie kremowe Shiseido Błyszczyk w płynie Futra, skóry i buty Rękawiczki z charakterem Nowe oblicze skóry Trendy w skórach / Club Düzley lato Charces lato Gala Ślubna Textil Metafory wiosna-lato Alfabet mody męskiej Alfabet mody damskiej Między boiskiem, plażą a... Jeans & Casual Kapalua lato Lacoste lato CPDXSITE Miejska dżungla Ludzie Mody mówią: Edgardo Zilioli Nylstar / Włókno Elité, produkt-lokomotywa Elżbieta Lityńska Triumph / Bielizna na każdy nastrój Bogusław Zalewski MTP / Face-to-face Jola Buca Key / Zaprojektować optymizm Anna Sieradzka Tysiąc lat ubiorów w Polsce Adam Lange Dyrektor Generalny YKK Poland Marcin Moskal Magam / Moda w Polsce żyje! Małgorzata Koniarska Coats / Kolorowo i natychmiastowo Małgorzata Gałuszka MTŁ / Promocja młodych Gerald Böse CPD / rozmowa Małgorzata Szwed-Kasperek: wypowiedzi wiosna-lato Moda damska Triumph beach jesień-zima / Moda męska Keyone / czapki Odermark Levi's Jeans Guys Bugatti Eurex Brax / dzianiny Gardeur Moda damska Keyone / czapki Scholl / buty LeoCardi Mode Ancora Elita / torebki Key / bielizna Hexeline Pabia Bata Levi's Jeans Girls Kate The Swiss Label Elena Grunert Brax / dzianiny Uniroyal More & More Gardeur Emozioni Fransa wiosna lato contact us site map you are in fashion info fashion documents An alphabetical list of all Moda In exhibitors, grouped by sector and product. In addition, there is a list of agents in alphabetical order and by country of origin. Price: Euro , (VAT included) on sale from .. how to place an order A complete chromatic and aesthetic guideline for the current season sub-divided into three seasonal themes. There is also a description of the seasonal strong points for each single theme. Price: Euro , (VAT included) on sale from .. how to place an order The guide that best describes the chromatic, aesthetic and tactile contents of the season, all grouped according to the three seasonal tendency themes. Price: Euro , (VAT included) on sale from .. how to place an order The most direct way of knowing this seasons trends. During the event it will be projected in the Video area. Price: Euro , (VAT included) on sale from .. SOLD OUT Fashion Show JUNE RAGNO D'ORO MILAN At the end of the scholastic year there is the fashion show organized by the students of the Istituto di Moda BUrgo. THis is indeed a spectacular event for students, teachers and talent scout that attend the show. This fashion show represent the perfect end and shows the creative attributes the students have acquired throughout the year. This attributes will certainly afford them the opportunity to work in the fashion industry. THE CAT WALKING This year The IMB used the innovative cat walking with a particular shape of V. This cat walking allows to show the clothes in the best way using spot of lights on the both side. Roll on the mouse on the cat walking to see animation.. Click here and download my ebook Fashion Drawing Figure Templates for only $. Drawing Fashion Fashion Templates Elegant Templates Fashion Gallery Fashion Gallery A Fashion Gallery JD Fashion Gallery JM Fashion Gallery S Online Library Lib Costume Design My ebooks Click here and download my ebook Fashion Drawing Figure Templates for only $. Click here and download just the Drawings Outlines Section from my above book for only $. Click here and download my ebook Fashion Drawing Figure Templates for only $. Click here and download just the Drawings Outlines Section from my above book for only $. Fashion Drawing Tutorial Tips By Pauline Weston Thomas for Fashion-Era.com The Basics of Fashion Sketching Layout Paper Fashion Silhouette Templates Posture, Poses and Template Silhouettes Free Fashion and Body Silhouette Template Outlines Suitable Paper Glues and Adhesives Suitable Adhesives for Fabric Cartridge Paper Putty Rubber Pencils Coloured Pencils Felt Pens Fine Drawing Pens Mounting Board A Sharp Knife Metal Ruler Cutting Board Masking Tape Variety Fabrics The Basics of Fashion Sketching This section is for those nervous of fashion drawing. The hints and tips appear as more detailed information in my ebook, the first Fashion Drawing Figure Templates ebook on the web. You may have to do some fashion drawing as part of a course or you may simply want to sketch out an idea you have for a special evening dress, ball dress, wedding dress or bridesmaid's dresses. With a little technique most people who insist they cannot draw can achieve a satisfactory fashion drawing. To aid results use some of the following items you will find the list helpful if you do not have a clue where to start. Layout Paper Layout paper is a fine semi opaque paper that allows you to faintly see an image beneath it. This enables you to use a fashion or body template under the top sheet. It has a good quality for a semi opaque paper and is suitable for remounting onto firmer background papers and cards for presentation purposes. TO TOP OF PAGE Fashion Silhouette Templates The easiest way to draw fashion when you have limited skill is to use a template. Here are templates of a model pose in sizes suitable for historical costume work or simple fashion designs. In the next pages there are modern stance fashion pose silhouette templates in strident pose and elegant poses for free download. If these are not suitable why not purchase my new ebook on Fashion Drawing Figure Templates ebook in a range of over different poses with sizes to each pose. There are many different poses in my ebook, including elegant, confident, sexy and strident poses as well as back and side view poses and a runner. Posture, Poses and Template Silhouettes You should take care to note that anyone in period costume would stand more gracefully, sedately and modestly than a woman after might pose. Think about how the person you are trying to represent would look posture wise. If you can get the hair right you will also capture the spirit of an era. The second factor for success is to keep to a theme when sketching a sheet of ideas. For example concentrate on interesting waist variations or necklines. The theme will give flow to your designs. A chapter in my Fashion Drawing Figure Templates ebook is devoted to examples of fashion illustration storyboards and illustrates this flow concept. TO TOP OF PAGE Free Fashion and Body Silhouette Outlines Here are some FREE basic body outline silhouette templates for you to download. They are very suitable for use sketching historical costumes before , but could be used for a simple unfussy sketch outline to take to a dressmaker for example. Basic Figure Templates Download the images by clicking on the thumbnails to enlarge them and either save them to your chosen file such as My Pictures or print off immediately. Copyright Fashion-era.com and The files show silhouettes in various sizes giving you a small range of templates for most situations. You can obtain more of these images in more sizes from my ebook Fashion Drawing Figure Templates by Pauline Weston Thomas. Click now on the thumbnails to enlarge and then print. For alternative models Go to Modern Strident Fashion Templates OR Go to Elegant Fashion Template Silhouettes You may reproduce the images shown on this page for personal, school or college use, but should not reproduce them for profit or sale purposes as part of a CD, DVD, ebook, book, or similar item. Copyright Fashion-era.com and .Front and back views of basic model Beginner's Instructions to Open an Image File in Microsoft Word First download and save your image file. Open Microsoft Word and click on File (menu), New, Blank, O.K. In your new document in Word go to Insert (Menu), Picture- from File Browse to wherever you saved the file --possibly you saved it in My Documents- My Pictures. Click on your selected file and it will open on the Word blank document. Print preview will show it fitting on A paper. Suitable Paper Glues and Adhesives for Paper and Card Use spray glues or light glue sticks for paper to affix the layout paper to a heavier white paper. Then when the layers are quite dry trim it to size and mount it onto fresh card or mounting board. Try to avoid PVA type glues which are inclined to wet the paper. Cow Gum used sparingly will work, but can be messy. In a very well ventilated room I use petroleum based Cow Gum for sticking card to card. TO TOP OF PAGE Suitable Adhesives for Fabric For sticking fabric and braids I have found general PVA glue, Copydex and Evostick wood glue all very good. Don't apply too much of any of the glues and do allow time for the glue to get tacky and thicker before applying the fabric, so that the fabric does not absorb glue through to the top surface. Cartridge Paper In addition to layout paper, cartridge paper is ideal for fashion drawing and is thick enough for light painting with gouache or watercolours. If you use a heavy bold black felt pen template beneath the cartridge paper you can see just enough of the template outline to get the line of the silhouette and the correct body proportions. Putty Rubber A putty rubber can be bought from an art supplies shop. It's very useful because unlike an ordinary eraser it does not rub away the background paper. Pencils Pencils for fashion drawing should be soft B pencils. You will need a B or B for general sketching and a B for highlight and emphasis. Keep the B quite sharp and use the B to make the emphasis mark you like best. When you make the light trace of the template beneath your layout paper, be sure to ensure the trace is just that light. Coloured Pencils I like Caran d'Ache coloured water soluble pencils. These high quality Swiss made water soluble colour pencils come in types the Caran d'Ache Prismalo mm lead range and the Caran d'Ache Supracolor .mm artist's range. These colours are great when you blend them in strokes or follow curvature and then use a damp paintbrush to create water colour paint effects and highlights with minimum effort. Go easy and don't over wet or over draw. Be patient as you can slowly build more colour layers once its dry. TO TOP OF PAGE Felt Pens Felt pens by Pantone can be used to great effect. The flesh tones can be used for skin areas like arms and legs and faces. They give good non blotching colour on layout paper. Some people like to colour the sketches they make using felt pens always. That's fine if that's your style, but do use quality felts as some cheaper versions run and blotch over outlines. Fine Drawing Pens Today a huge range of wonderful fine pens exist at about a fifth of the price of lesser models of twenty years ago. They can be used over a coloured sketch to sharpen it up instead of using a B pencil. They are very useful if you're trying to show intricate detail such as embroidery on a design. Mounting Board for Presentation Work Work may need to be presented for all sorts of reasons. It might be that you have a college interview or a job to apply for or you may just want to make your work look better for display purposes. So you'll have to learn to mount your work. You can buy mounting board from good art shops for presentation work. Related or toning colours can be best. For final background boards try fairly neutral, but expensive dusty looking colours such as cream, taupe, olive, sand, grey blue, wine and black. A set of story boards all in one colour can look very attractive and thought out from a presentation point of view. Avoid crude background colours for boards. Aim to make your work have an look expensive look. TO TOP OF PAGE A Sharp Knife You will need a sharp Stanley type knife or surgical craft knife and replacement blades to trim card and paper. Don't try to use anything but a knife of this type to trim a hole out of the centre of a piece of mounting board. Never use a scissors as it will produce a very amateur result. Metal Ruler A metal safety ruler will give you better cutting edges than a wooden ruler that eventually develops little irregularities. Cutting Board To cut and trim your work, you can use an old wooden art board, a piece of hardboard or a special self healing plastic mat especially designed for the purpose and available from art shops. TO TOP OF PAGE Masking Tape If you have a sample of fabric you may need to cut out a window in your mounting board and then place the sample behind. Masking tape can be useful for repositioning the sample. Variety Fabrics If you need to make a wide range of fabric samples inexpensively use some cake colouring food dyes in cups of hot water and dip in pieces of white or cream fabrics and yarns, lace, braids and ribbons to develop colour scraps to enhance those you may already have. This works really well on pure silk or other natural fabrics or yarns. Be prepared to knit small squares of fabric from interesting yarns, torn fabric strips, or even weave your own small ribbon fabric sample. Make samples of pin tucked, twin needled, quilted or embroidered pieces that give you a sample fabric as a design source for your fashion drawings. A chapter in my ebook Fashion Drawing Figure Templates is devoted to workboards of textured fashion fabric samples. It clearly shows ways of approaching this. Book References Books that may help you include my own ebook Fashion Drawing Figure Templates by Pauline Weston Thomas, and other books that you can buy via the libraries "Fashion Drawing The Basic Principles" by Anne Allen and Julian Seaman. Also look at "Foundation In Fashion Design Illustration", "Fashion Illustration" or Professional Fashion Design" by Julian Seaman. TO TOP OF PAGE My favourites include "Fashion Design Illustration: Women" by Patrick John Ireland. Figure Templates for Fashion Illustration I have been on several of Patrick's courses. I highly recommend his books. He moves with the times and captures the current body silhouette. I found the tuition I gained on Patrick's courses enlightening and it has enabled me to produce templates that work for the school or student beginner situation. Click here for my ebook Fashion Drawing Figure Templates by Pauline Weston Thomas. My ebook, the first fashion template ebook on the web, has over original body silhouette outline templates, as well as a chapter on mounted fashion storyboards, a chapter on workboards showing manipulated fabric samples and a chapter on typical fashion design briefs. Click here to go to sales info. Take a look in the site's online Library for some great reference books about fashion design and fashion careers. For costume, bridal, lingerie and fancy dress drawing look at this page of the library. Home TO TOP OF PAGE To Next Page For related fashion information click below :- NEW My Fashion Template eBook Fashion Templates of Strident Body Silhouette Pose Elegant Fashion Template Silhouettes Fashion Sketching Gallery Fashion Drawing Gallery Online Library Fashion Design Books Online Library Costume Illustration Books Jubilee Colouring In Pictures of the Coronation Dress. How to Assess and update a Fashion Look Part How to Assess and Update a Fashion Look Part Laver's Law Fashion Dolls Haute Couture Chambre Syndicale Fashion Comment Costume Collage Silhouettes Fashion Eras Theories of Fashion Fashion Technology About Us Fashion-Era.com Fashion-Era.com looks at women's costume and fashion history and analyses the mood of an era. Changes in technology, leisure, work, cultural and moral values, homelife and politics have all contributed to lifestyle trends which influence the clothes we wear. These are the changes that make any era of society special in relation to the study of the costume of a period. Fashion-Era.com can take no responsibility for the information above and any outcome which may cause you error, loss or costs incurred from use of the information and links either directly or indirectly. This site is owned, designed, written and developed by Pauline Weston Thomas and Guy Thomas. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Fashion-era.com reserves the right to add or delete information, graphics and links. , , on all content in Fashion-Era.com. E-Mail us if you have comments at Home Sitemap privacy Home Home What is Fashion What is Fashion Body Adornment Body Adornment Costume Costume Costume Costume - Fashion - Fashion Affiliates Affiliates Site Map Site Map