Create new shortcut for Inbox SMS (located on the SIM card)
SL45 v56
Author: RizaPN
* overwrite
'Profile' shortcut
* use your full-flash file
: 2A 08 ==> 5A 03
0x18E3E0 : 0B 02 ==> D3 00
0x18E524 : 2A 08 2A 08 ==> 5A 03 5B 03
0x3AE412 : DA DF 94 4C ==> DA D9 EE 0A
For fast
modification, if there is no full-flash yet, just download the flash from
address 0x180000 with size 0x10000 and from 0x3A0000 size 0x10000 (partials).
Name the first one as sl45_18.bin and the 2nd as sl45_3A.bin
to be modified from file sl45_18.bin is : and E3AC, E3E0, E524.
Address to be modified from file sl45_3A.bin is E412.
After the
modification, upload sl45_18.bin to the phone at address 0x180000 with
size 0x10000, and sl45_3A.bin to 0x3A0000 size 0x10000.
2. Create new shortcut for Outbox SMS (located on
the SIM card)
SL45 v56
Author: RizaPN
* overwrite
'Conceal ID' shortcut
* use your full-flash file
: 49 ==> 92
0x18E3BE : 4A 01 ==> 69 00
0x18E416 : 49 01 49 01 ==> 92 01 92 01
0x3AE308 : DA DA 04 A3 ==> DA D9 F8 0A
is address in the full flash file, 49 is the original value(s), and 92
is the new value(s)...
For fast
modification, if there is no full-flash yet, just download the flash from
address 0x180000 with size 0x10000 and from 0x3A0000 size 0x10000 (partials).
Name the first one as sl45_18.bin and the 2nd as sl45_3A.bin
to be modified from file sl45_18.bin is : E38A, E3BE, E416.
Address to be modified from file sl45_3A.bin is E308.
After the
modification, upload sl45_18.bin to the phone at address 0x180000 with
size 0x10000, and sl45_3A.bin to 0x3A0000 size 0x10000.
Eliminate the additional "_nnn_nnn" string when moving SMS to
the archive folder
SL45 v56
Author: RizaPN
: 88 60 F0 C8 ==> FA D9 02 FF
FF8 60 F0 C8 ==> FA D9 02 FF
Get access to "SIM Location" directly using front UP Arrow key
SL45 v56
Author: RizaPN
: EA 20 3C 04 48 C3 EA 20
0x3B036E : 3C 04 46 FC 20 00 EA 20
0x3B0376 : 5A 04 48 C6 EA 20 82 04
modify to:
: 2D 6A 48 C3 2D 68 46 FC
0x3B036E : 20 00 2D 74 48 C6 EA 20
0x3B0376 : 82 04 46 FC 21 00 2D 7E
: E0 0C E0 0D E0 0E DA D4 AC 70
modify to:
: DA DB 3C EF 0D 02 DA DB 46 EF
Add "Send via IrDA ..." options in CardExplorer
SL45 v56
Author: RizaPN
This patch
will *overwrite* ---Help--- menu inside the Sort menu
with the new "Send via IrDA" options.
: 28 01 28 01 => 21 02 21 02 (change the text)
0x18A3FE : AE AB => A4 7D (change the function address)
Overwrite "VoiceDialling" shortcut with "Display"
SL45 v56
Author: RizaPN
Use Left
side button [+] to access VoiceDialling.
: 4E 02 --> 60 00 (shorcut Start: text)
0x18E3D4 : 4F 02 --> 60 00 (upper-right button text)
0x18E4A6 : 4E 02 4E 02 --> 60 00 60 00 (menu item text)
0x3AE3B2 : DA E6 F8 A9 --> DA D5 6A F2 (function entry-point)
It will give
the access to the "Display" menu directly.
Overwrite "VoiceDialling" shortcut with "Illumination Toggle"
SL45 v56
Author: RizaPN
Use Left
side button [+] to access VoiceDialling.
: 4E 02 --> 82 00
0x18E3D4 : 4F 02 --> 82 00
0x18E4A6 : 4E 02 4E 02 --> 82 00 82 00
0x3AE3B2 : DA E6 F8 A9 --> DA DC 80 46
It can be
used to assign a single button for doing Illumination Toggle as in SLCK
Use [*][GREEN] as an Illumination Toggle shortcut
SL45 v56
Author: RizaPN
0x3AD7A4 : E6 FC 0A 00 E6 FD 36 00 -> E6 00 36 00 F3 FC 0A 00
0x3AD7AC : DA DB 00 30 48 40 3D 21 -> 47 FC 2A 00 3D 04 DA DC
0x3AD7B4 : E6 00 36 00 CC 00 -> 80 46 EA 00 04 DA
If you want to use 0[GREEN], just modify 2A (0x3AD7AE) with 30.
If you want to use #[GREEN] use 23 ...
Disable "Do you want to copy all SIM Card content to the phonebook"
message when change SIM Card
SL45 v56
Author: RizaPN
0x44EB9E : 3D -> 0D
Use # short button to release the key-lock
SL45 v56
Author: RizaPN
0x3B07C4 : 1E -> 14
0x3B07C7 : 03 -> 04
0x3B07CA : 1F -> 21
0x3B07CE : DA A2 18 4C 48 40 2D 10 -> 0D 03 DA DA EC F6 0D 0F
If you want to use * instead of #, modify 0x3B07CA with 13.
For other button, use the value listed in the button code table.
* That patch
also unhides a VoiceDial function * Press UP arrow key when the key is
locked to activate the VoiceDial function. If you want to use another
button, just modify the value in 0x3B07C4 with the listed button code.
Button Code:
05 : GREEN
01 : RED
22 : RIGHT
13 : *
14 : #
15 : DIGIT 0-9
1F : LONG #
Use LEFT Arrow key as a "SIM-Location" shortcut
SL45 v56
Author: RizaPN
* If you
already apply patch for UP Arrow as a "SIM-Location" shortcut,
and want to apply this patch, please reset them back to the original values
0x3B03B0 : EA 20 0A 05 46 FC 14 00 -> 8D 04 46 FC 15 00 EA F0
0x3B03B8 : EA 20 0A 05 46 FC 15 00 -> 0A 05 46 FC 23 00 2D 5D
0x3B0474 : E0 0C E0 0D E0 0E -> DA DB 3C EF 0D 02
0x3B047A : DA D4 AC 70 -> DA DB 46 EF
Use [*] [0] and [#] followed by [GREEN] button as shortcuts
SL45 v56
Author: RizaPN
0x3AD7A4 : E6 FC 0A 00 E6 FD 36 00 -> E6 00 36 00 F3 FC 0A 00
0x3AD7B2 : 2D 19 -> 2D 12
: F0 ED 70 EC 2D 0B DC 4D -> E0 14 27 FC 23 00 3D 03
0x3B3008 : A9 2C 47 F2 -> DA D8 B4 E1 ([#] button function)
0x3B300C : 30 00 2D 06 47 F2 -> 0D 09 29 C7 3D 03
0x3B3012 : 2A 00 2D 03 -> DA DC 80 46 ([*] button function)
0x3B3016 : 47 F2 23 00 3D 02 -> 0D 04 29 C6 3D 03
0x3B301C : E0 04 DB 00 -> DA D9 62 0A ([0] button function)
0x3B3020 : E0 14 DB 00 -> E0 04 DB 00
It will assign :
[#][GREEN] as a shortcut to "Java",
[*][GREEN] as a shortcut to "Illumination Toggle",
[0][GREEN] as a shortcut to "Write Message" ...
Remark: if
you already apply patch : "[*][GREEN] as an Illumination Toggle shortcut"
then you need to reset some addresses back to their original values.
Overwrite selectable "User Group" shortcut/hotkey with "Archive"
SL45 v56
Author: RizaPN
: 8B 00 -> DE 03
0x18E3BC : 8C 00 -> DE 03
0x18E4B8 : 8B 00 8B 00 -> DE 03 DE 03
0x3AE311 : D7 02 45 -> D9 02 0B
Long press of left side [+] button for "Illumination Toggle"
and its short press for IrDA
SL45 v56
Author: RizaPN
: DA A2 18 4C 48 40 EA 20 -> DC 59 98 C8 A8 D8 DC 4D
0x3B04AC : F6 07 DC 59 -> D4 8C 04 00
0x3B04B0 : 98 C8 A8 D8 DC 4D -> 46 F8 EB 00 2D 03
0x3B04B6 : D4 8C 04 00 -> DA DC E8 46 ... (*)
0x3B04BA : 46 F8 EB 00 EA 30 F6 07 -> 0D 07 E0 1C E6 FD 82 00
0x3B04C2 : E0 1C DA F0 -> DA E6 98 F1
0x3B04C6 : 50 83 EA 00 -> DA DC 80 46
0x3B04CA : D6 07 -> 0D 0B
* Known bug
: IrDA will also toggled for long-press ...
If you want to apply this patch withour IrDA capability, use :
0x3B04B6 : D4 8C 04 00 -> CC 00 CC 00 ... (without IrDA)
: SL45 v56
Author : RizaPN
Let me, one
again, wrote the updated fix shortcut patching here :
Use LEFT Arrow key as a "SIM-Location" shortcut
: EA 20 0A 05 46 FC 14 00 -> 8D 04 46 FC 15 00 EA F0
0x3B03B8 : EA 20 0A 05 46 FC 15 00 -> 0A 05 46 FC 23 00 2D 5D
0x3B0474 : E0 0C E0 0D -> DA DB 3C EF
0x3B0478 : E0 0E -> 0D 02
0x3B047A : DA D4 AC 70 -> DA DB 46 EF ... (see table)
Use RIGHT Arrow key as a "Card-Explorer" shortcut
: 3C -> 54
0x3B0450 : F0 C4 DA E5 -> EA 00 EE 07
0x3B0454 : 24 3A EA 00 -> DA D8 CA E1 ... (see table)
0x3B0458 : F4 07 -> 0D 23
Modify 0[UpperRight] from "Select Line" to "Archive"
: 48 40 -> E0 14
0x3B30C4 : 7B 03 -> DE 03 ... ***
0x3B3322 : DA A0 AC 15 -> DA D9 02 0B ... (see table)
0x3B3326 : 48 40 -> E0 04
Modify #[UpperRight] from "View New CB" to "Java"
: 7D 03 -> B0 0D ... ***
0x3B3398 : DA D9 1A 49 -> DA D8 B4 E1 ... (see table)
19. Use * 0 and # followed by [GREEN] as another
(*: Inbox, 0: Write SMS, #: Outbox)
: E6 FC 0A 00 E6 FD 36 00 -> E6 00 36 00 F3 FC 0A 00
0x3AD7B2 : 2D 19 -> 2D 12
0x3B3000 : F0 ED 70 EC 2D 0B DC 4D -> E0 14 27 FC 23 00 3D 03
0x3B3008 : A9 2C 47 F2 -> DA D9 F8 0A ... # button, (see table)
0x3B300C : 30 00 2D 06 47 F2 -> 0D 09 29 C7 3D 03
0x3B3012 : 2A 00 2D 03 -> DA D9 EE 0A ... * button, (see table)
0x3B3016 : 47 F2 23 00 3D 02 -> 0D 04 29 C6 3D 03
0x3B301C : E0 04 DB 00 -> DA D9 62 0A ... 0 button, (see table)
0x3B3020 : E0 14 -> E0 04
Those patches
use almost all unused fix key as a shortcut.
If you see "(see table)", it means you can modify their values
with values shown in this table (Entry-Point), based on the function you
like to assign to that particular fix shortcut. If you see also "***"
before that remark, it means you also need to modify the text index with
the new value (Text) :
Entry-Point : Text : Functions
DA D8 B4 E1 : B0 0D : Java
DA D8 B8 E1 : 53 03 : Internet
DA D8 C4 E1 : B8 01 : MP3Player
DA D8 CA E1 : 81 05 : Card-Explorer
DA D8 CE E1 : B0 0D : Chronometer
DA D8 D6 E1 : D7 02 : Currency
DA D8 DA E1 : 59 02 : Games
DA DB 3C EF : 16 00 : Addressbook
DA DB 46 EF : 33 02 : SIM-Location
DA DB 50 EF : 58 01 : Calendar
DA DB 5C EF : 9D 02 : Appointments
DA DB 68 EF : B7 00 : Dictaphone
DA DB 6C EF : 56 00 : Answer-Message
DA DB 70 EF : D2 02 : BussinessCard
DA DB 7C EF : 8A 02 : Calculator
DA DB 80 EF : 80 03 : VoiceControl
DA DB 80 F2 : E7 00 : Call-Missed
DA DB 84 F2 : 44 00 : Call-Received
DA DB 88 F2 : 22 01 : Call-Dialed
DA DB 8C F2 : E8 00 : Alarm-Missed
DA DC 16 06 : 9C 01 : Compose-Melody
DA DC 04 79 : BE 04 : Game-SuperMind
DA DC 10 79 : C0 04 : Game-MoveTheBox
DA DC 14 79 : 87 05 : Game-Wacko
DA DC 08 79 : C2 04 : Game-HomeRun
DA DC FC 78 : 99 04 : Game-Reversi
DA DC 00 79 : 9B 04 : Game-Quattropoli
DA DC 0C 79 : C4 04 : Game-TheMaze
DA D9 62 0A : 3C 02 : Write-Message
DA D9 EE 0A : D3 00 : Incoming-Message
DA D9 F8 0A : 69 00 : Outgoing-Message
DA D9 02 0B : DE 03 : Archive
DA DC 12 42 : 6C 04 : Contrast
DA D5 5A F2 : 5B 02 : Language
DA D5 6A F2 : 5F 00 : Display
DA D5 82 F2 : 7E 02 : T9-Input
See patch no.3 ...
If you want to assign "Game-SuperMind" instead of "Archive"
into your 0[UpperRight] keys, then you just need to use :
: 7B 03 -> BE 04 (Game-Supermind text)
0x3B3322 : DA A0 AC 15 -> DA DC 04 79 (Supermind entry-point)
instead of
the original patch values.
20. Short # to unlock keypad, UP arrow and PTT button
for VoiceDial when keypad is locked:
: SL45 v56
Author : RizaPN
: CE -> D8
0x3B038C : CE -> D8
0x3B0394 : CE -> D8
: D6 -> D8 ... (don't modify if it was 0D)
: 4F D4 8E -> 7F 98 8E
0x3B07C0 : 02 00 46 F8 1E 00 2D 03 -> 98 8E 98 CE 98 DE 46 F8
0x3B07C8 : 46 F8 1F 00 3D 07 -> 14 00 2D 09 46 F8
0x3B07CE : DA A2 -> 21 00 ... (see remark1)
0x3B07D0 : 18 4C 48 40 2D 10 DA E6 -> 2D 03 46 F8 1E 00 3D 07
0x3B07D8 : 82 AB 0D 0C DC 5F D4 CE -> DA E6 82 AB 0D 0C DA DA
0x3B07E0 : 04 00 D4 DE 06 00 -> EC F6 0D 09 CC 00
If you don't like to use UP Arrow to activate VoiceDial when keypad is
locked, then use this :
: DA A2 -> 14 00