
61. 0[RightSoft] for Profile swapping (Normal/Quiet)

Firmware : SL45v56
Author : RizaPN
Release : April 10, 2003

After applying this patch, we can use 0 followed by Right Soft Key to swap between Normal Environment profile and the Quiet Environment ones.

0x3B309E : 48 40 -> E0 14
0x3B30C4 : 7B 03 -> 08 02
0x3B3322 : DA A0 AC 15 -> DA C7 52 D6
0x3B3326 : 48 40 -> E0 04

0x27D652 : FF FF FF FF FF FF -> DA A4 66 98 2D 02
0x27D658 : FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF -> E0 0C 0D 02 E6 FC 01 01
0x27D660 : FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF -> D7 40 0D 00 F6 FC 88 24
0x27D668 : FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF -> DA A4 4A 98 DA A4 66 98
0x27D670 : FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF -> 5C 14 C0 8D 06 FD D5 03
0x27D678 : FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF -> E0 1C DA E6 98 F1 DB 00

If you want to use another fixed shortcut button, select your own patch for that particular button (in the previous patch list), and use DA C7 52 D6 as a Profile Swap entry-point (you must enter 0x27---- part of this patch only, not the 0x3B---- part).


62. Modify MultiLine Indicator to become Vibra Indicator

Firmware : SL45v56
Author : RizaPN
Release : April 10, 2003

This patch will provide an ability to display firmware image no. 339 in the top screen if the Vibra is active. Please modify the image (original image is like up-arrow) as you like.

0x3B3708 : DA A0 AC 15 48 40 2D 08 -> DA DC 6A 17 DA DC 6A 17
0x3B3710 : DA A0 CA 15 F0 C4 DA CB -> D7 40 11 00 F2 F4 40 38
0x3B3718 : 38 CA 48 40 2D 0D -> 46 F4 09 00 0D 05


63. Press of left side [+] button for "Profile-menu“

Firmware: SL45 v56
Author: vikado77

0x3B04A4 : DA A2 18 4C 48 40 EA 20 -> DC 59 98 C8 A8 D8 DC 4D
0x3B04AC : F6 07 DC 59 -> D4 8C 04 00
0x3B04B0 : 98 C8 A8 D8 DC 4D -> 46 F8 EB 00 2D 03
0x3B04B6 : D4 8C 04 00 -> DA DB 5C 40
0x3B04BA : 46 F8 EB 00 EA 30 F6 07 -> 0D 07 E0 1C E6 FD 82 00
0x3B04C2 : E0 1C DA F0 -> DA E6 98 F1
0x3B04C6 : 50 83 EA 00 -> DA DB 5C 40
0x3B04CA : D6 07 -> 0D 0B


64. Set [*][RightSoft] for Profile swapping (Normal/Quiet)

;Firmware : SL45v56
;Author : ValeraVi
;Release : April 12, 2003

; This patch replaces behavior of [*][RightSoft] conbination from
;open Profiles-menu to the Profile swapping (Normal/Quiet) if you apply
;patch Profile swapping (Normal/Quiet) from RizaPN.
; If you want to go to the Profiles-menu, you can do this with help of
;the Main Menu.
; After applying this patch, you can use * followed by Right Soft
;Key to swap between Normal Environment profile and the Quiet
;Environment profiles.

3B339E: DADF4A4DF0C4DAE5243A DAC752D6CC00CC00CC00

; Before applying this patch you must apply the patch from RizaPN
;*** 61. 0[RightSoft] for Profile swapping (Normal/Quiet) ***
;without the 0x3B---- part. Apply only 0x27---- part of that patch.
; I.e. you must apply only this block:

65. Call Minutes Beep Modification

Firmware : SL45v56
Author : RizaPN
Release : April 14, 2003

It will give you call minutes beep at 10 seconds before each minutes (just another version).

0x001F20 : F2 F4 0C FE -> DA C7 10 D1

0x27D110 : FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF -> F2 F4 0C FE 46 F4 32 00
0x27D118 : FF FF -> DB 00

If you want to modify the margin, just modify byte 32 in the address 0x27D116 to become your own value (hexa 32 = decimal 50).

66. Show an icon "home/office/mobile" on incoming call

Firmware : SL45v56
Author : Chaos
Release : April 15, 2003

030F27: A3 10 2C -> C7 20 EC

27EC20: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF -> DA A3 10 2C E6 00 0C 00
27EC28: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF -> E6 FC 34 31 E6 FE 01 E4
27EC30: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF -> BB 10 E6 FC 4B 31 E6 FE
27EC38: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF -> 1C E4 BB 0B E6 FC 62 31
27EC40: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF -> E6 FE 21 E4 BB 06 E6 FC
27EC48: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF -> 79 31 E6 FE 04 E4 BB 01
27EC50: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF -> DB 00 E6 F1 41 2C F3 F8
27EC58: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF -> 3D 2C 99 9C 49 9D 3D 1F
27EC60: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF -> 29 81 3D FB E6 FD 94 2E
27EC68: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF -> F2 F4 2A 2C 48 41 2D 02
27EC70: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF -> 06 FD 2A 00 F0 4D A8 CD
27EC78: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF -> 66 FC 3F 00 2D 10 00 DC
27EC80: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF -> 00 DC A8 1D C4 1D 04 00
27EC88: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF -> 28 D2 40 D4 3D FA 08 C2
27EC90: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF -> B8 CD C4 ED 02 00 E6 FE
27EC98: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF -> 20 00 C4 ED 04 00 CB 00

48C55D: 00 00 FC -> 7F E0 00
48C561: 00 00 BC 00 1F F0 3C -> 80 10 00 00 99 D0 00
48C569: 15 50 FC 00 17 F0 04 -> A4 10 00 00 A5 50 00
48C571: 15 50 34 00 17 F0 14 -> A4 10 00 00 A5 50 00
48C579: 75 50 14 00 7F F0 34 -> A4 10 00 00 99 50 00
48C581: 00 00 04 00 00 00 FC -> 80 10 00 00 7F E0 00
48C58B: FC -> 00

49146E: 00 00 FC 00 00 00 BC 00 1F F0 -> 7F E0 00 00 80 10 00 00 99 D0
491478: 3C 00 15 50 FC 00 17 F0 -> 00 00 A4 10 00 00 A5 50
491480: 04 00 15 50 34 00 17 F0 -> 00 00 A4 10 00 00 A5 50
491488: 14 00 75 50 14 00 7F F0 -> 00 00 A4 10 00 00 99 50
491490: 34 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 -> 00 00 80 10 00 00 7F E0
491498: FC -> 00

Note: icon will be shown only if the calling number is exactly the same as stored in the phonebook (so, write numbers in international format)