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: CADutility
ON-LINE registration: CADutility

** Geodetic line **
Program for geodetic line drawing. Line is drawn from point to point and the program shortens the line from the point for the given distance.

** reXref **
Program for automatic "on the fly" update of xref paths in AutoCAD drawings.

** Insert block at (poly)lines **
Program for block inserting at the line and polyline end/beginning. Block is inserted in the first/last point under the angle of the second/penultimate point. To position the block correctly, it must be drawn under the zero angle.

** Calculate length **
Program for total length calculation of all selected polylines.

** Polar line **
Program for polar line drawing (through the angle for given distance).

** Change (poly)lines **
Program enables selecting of unlimited number of lines and polylines, converts lines into polylines and then changes all polyline widths to the needed one.

** Schmidt **
Program for Schmidt's circle drawing. Required data are read from the datafile which must be written in the form of grade azimuth/surface angle. Each surface will be drawn in its own colour.

** Flatten **
Program for flattening 3D objects (lines, arcs, points, text ...) into 2D.

** Draw arrow **
Program for arrow drawing of exactly defined dimension. Arrows are drawn in the arrow layer created by itself.

** Write XY coord **
Program for geodetic writing of point coordinates. "Y" coordinate is written horizontally, and "X" coordinate vertically from the selected point.

** Z elev to point **
If there is in the drawing a text defining "Z" elevation height of some point, the program converts that text into numerical value and creates a 3D point in the text grip point.

** Numerical text value **
Program for adding/subtracting of the arbitrary value at the numerical text.

** Extract layer **
All elements of the chosen layers are saved into a new datafile. Depending on the need, one can choose whether a new datafile is to be created for every chosen layer or all chosen layers saved into a common datafile.

** Print layer data **
All data about layers are written in the datafile. This enables a selective choice of data to be written, i.e. layer colour, linetype, layer status, as well as data about all colours and linetypes for all layers.

** Write text under the angle **
Writes the text under certain angle, inserted through a point and an angle or two points. Text height in "Text Style... " must be set on zero.

** Multilengthen lines in length **
It shortens/lengthens the size of the selected lines to the given one.

** Copy-rotate object **
Program both copies and rotates selected objects in the same step.

** Write Z heigh **
Program to write "Z" height beside the selected points.

** Write date and filename **
Program enters date and drawing name in the selected text. With every change of these data it is enough to restart the program and select "Update" option which updated changed data.

** Multioffset **
Program is an improved "offset" command enabling selection of more objects for "offset" at the same time.

** Multilengthen lines for length **
Selected lines are lengthend/shortened for given value.

** Insert block at points **
Program for block inserting at the selected points.

** Block counter **
Counter of the inserted blocks.

** Fillet (poly)lines **
Program for fillet lines and polylines, lines and lines, as well as polylines and polylines. Fillet radius is always zero (0).

** Delete layer(s) **
Program to delete layers still containing element. If layers are still used within particular blocks in other layers, start the command "Change layers within the block" in order to free empty layers.

** Change layers within the block **
Program redefines existing block so that it changes the layer of all elements within the block to the block layer. Thereby the layers for the "Purge" command are freed.

** Block attribute to point **
Program retrieves an information on the elevation from the blocks with attributes and creates 3D point. In order to create a point, attribute in the block must be a numerical value and represent the elevation.

** Distance from (poly)line beginning **
Program calculates the distance between the starting point of the line or polyline and the point clicked.

** Highlight current layer **
Program highlight all the elements of the current layer.

** Copy to current layer **
Program copies selected objects into the currently active layer.

** Switch between polytype **
Depending on whether you want to draw by polylines or lwpolylines, this program can set system value on one of these two types.

** Read text file **
If text datafile with drawing description goes with the drawing, the program displays its contents. Text datafile must have the same name as the opened drawing. Program also enables the display of any text datafile.

** Save to file - point coord. **
Program saves X, Y and Z coordinates of the points into the datafile.

** Multioffset with erase **
Program is upgraded "offset" command enabling selection of several objects for "offset" at the same time, but at the end deletes sources elements.

** Multiinsert block **
Program makes multiple block insertion easier.

** Draw viewport border **
Program draws a border to the extents of the current viewport in layer DEFPOINTS. Layer DEFPOINTS will be created if needed.

** Angle between two lines **
Program displays the angles between two selected lines.

** Multiscale **
Program for multiple scale of objects over their starting point. For blocks it is an insertion point for each particular block, whereas for other elements in the drawing it is their starting point.

** System variables **
Review of all system variables.

** Find and replace inside attributes **
Find and replace text inside attributes.

** Extract attributes to datafile **
Program saves the attributes from the blocks into the datafile.

ON-LINE registration: CADutility

