Koraljka Polaček, art&animals


Paintings & Drawings






My Cats

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Charlie and Kyrka      Giuseppe     Ajša, my Goldeneye     Cats of my life     Other dear pets..     Rescued ladies


My Old Friends


Azra, my first friend - Azra and me in 1973

Azra (1969-1975) was an Irish setter born six months before me. With her help I have made first steps. And what a great experience was to play with Azra's ten puppies back in 1975!  She was my guardian until 1977. 



1,2) Me, Azra and my dad in 1970.  3) Me with Pikica, one of Azra's babies in 1975.


Mišolino, 1978-1980.(?)


My dear, dear Misholino. His best friend was Lilly the Rabbit. Misholino was crazy and sweet, he was in love with Lilly! Unfortunately, my parents left him by the weekend cottage, when he was about two years old..  don't know what happened to him later.






Charlie and Kyrka



 Charlie /1980-1992/, three-coloured English setter was a birthday gift when I was 11. He was lively, faithful and very tender dog. I loved him so much!  Charlie was a precious friend in many difficult and happy moments of my youth.


Kyrka /1978-1991/ was an Afgan hound who had a very hard life, she came into my family when she was 4 years old. After some time, this silent and frightened dog became Charlie's best companion. Kirka was a real lady and smartest dog I've ever seen.

Beautiful Kyrka..



Me with my dearest Charlie, and Kyrka.. and just a few years later, my daughter with Charlie (below)





Giuseppe 1986-88.


Yellow-orange Giuseppe moved with me from my parent's home to the new house.  He was my big coddle. But the new neighbourhood didn't bring him luck, Giuseppe was killed by car.


  click to enlarge 





Ajša, my Goldeneye


Ajša, 1990-2002

Ajša and me.. we have been together for twelve beautiful years. She was joy of my life. She was very gentle lady, my daughter was her favorite girl. Ajša was also my artistic model, and she was the best one! She had more patience than any human model.  Ajša isn't with me anymore, she have been poisoned at the island of Krk in 2002 (this terrible accident was even described in local newspaper). Ajša was special to me and far more than just a dog. Sometimes, I can still hear her bark..



My daughter and Ajša in 1996; Ajša baby in 1990; Me with Ajša and Misi in 1997 -"Same Colour of Hair" :)


   Kiss 1996 


Ajša's babies in 1997;  Ajša gorgeous in 1995; old lady Ajša with my son in 2001.



Ajša with my daughter and babies in 1997 (click to enlarge)



Cats of my life


..a big black Paco (1990-2000)

Paco was Ajša's childehood friend, later King of the Backyard.



1991: big Paco with young Ajša ;  Paco baby at New Year '91 ... and 'sweetest fruit' in the basket!






 White Muchi with my daughter and with me in 1995. She was the best model for my paintings of cats! Thank you Muchi.



Missi family or 'Misike'


Two bobtail sisters have been left by someone in my garden in 1995. They had little tails and very strong will- they could climb on the outside wall of my house just to reach the open window. My daughter named them Missi 1 and Missi 2.



Missi 2 loved Ajša more ;  Baby Missi 2 pretending she is a flower ;  Missi 2 and her little son Paško, born at my wardrobe in 1996.


Missi 1 with her cute short-tailed baby in 1997 (left).  On the right is beautiful black&white Paško with Ajša and Missi 1's baby. Paško had almost normal tail. He wasn't neuter and later became a king of our street. He died in age of seven. There are many cats with his colours and with short tails in my neighbourhood today...



Sweet sisters didn't live long: Missi 2 died first, in age of three (by car). Missi 1, the grey one, died soon after her from the disease. They were gentle and grateful, I will always remember their funny short tails and climbing on the wall. I am still sorry they were not spayed at the time and keep secure inside the house.




Bush, who "came from the bush" in 1996. Two years later he disappear from the backyard. He was my last cat that wasn't neuter..





 Muca, the Silent Queen.. She walked into my garden one rainy april day in 2004. This beautiful cat was in very bad condition and sick, but she spent her last months in peace and surrounded with love. She died in october.





Maxi, born 2002.  He lived with us when he was young. Today he is my neighbour's cat.




Other dear pets..


Our setter beauties




My mum's dogs: Irish setter Azra II /1992-2001/  &  Ross, Gordon setter /1993/, photographed with us in 1995.


My daughter with Ross in 1995




Gordon setter Saba lived with us for six months in 1989. Later she became a first-class hunting dog. Although I don't like hunting I was happy for her.




Gigi and his family



Orange Gigi with flowers ; Gigi's child: Where is my juice??!  ; Gigi with his wife and child in 1988.

Gigi (1983-1990), "snake food" rescued from Zagreb Zoo. He lived seven years with us and left many nice babies behind..




 "Two goats" in 1996  :)

This wasn't my pet but animals have always been matter to me. That's why I am a vegetarian.




Rescued ladies


 There were many dogs and even more cats who temporary lived with us, until they find new home. But two special ladies were here so long that they became a true family members.. Today these dear girls are in great new homes!

        Beautiful black Luna in 2004


 ..and little lady Miška (2005-06)       




Misty (2004)

My sweetest baby. She died when she was only 3,5 months old. I will never forget that rainy Easter afternoon..  You are in my heart, forever.





I will always remeber you





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(c) Koraljka Polaček 2004 – 2010